Half The Sky—Do We Have It Yet?

It is not so much about being over 50 that bothers me, but how men still treat and talk to women in 2019.

French author Yann Moix, in one of his recent interview says women over 50 are too old to lov,e.

I am positive he is talking only about sexual love.

In the second part of the interview he insults younger women too.

This is what he says--"I prefer younger women's bodies, that's all. End of. The body of a 25-year-old woman is extraordinary. The body of a woman of 50 is not extraordinary at all," he said. ***

How demeaning to be looked up on as just bodies for enjoyment.

This is not just about Moix, but the attitude about so many men out there.

Starting from 35 years or so, according to some men, women should be considered over the hill.

I am going to share a workplace scenario.

A lady friend shared this with me, a forty something guys never fails to tell/remind her that she is woman of a certain age, and will never get hired, promoted and given tasks and responsibilities at work/other jobs. In short, she is not hirable.

Then there is her boss who is extra polite when it comes to ‘not giving’ additional responsibilities.  Apparently he has never seen her work before because he is a recent hire too.

The same boss does not think twice before putting her in charge of the pantry and asking her to make ensure it is stocked and the coffee maker is filled with water. Ordering and organizing food for team lunches were added on as well.

If in 2019, a woman of certain age gets pushed to maintaining pantry and asked to be happy with whatever little ‘crumbs’ she gets thrown at her in the name of job functions, we have all failed each other.

No, she is not happy. She says there are days when she does not want to go to work at all because she feels down and out and demotivated.

Feel sad and pity the way some men think.

By the way, half the sky still belongs to us.  

Photo credit: Goodreads.com 

Ranga Rajah
