Adding Value to your Life is the Key

Today, I asked myself this vital question as to why I am the way I am.
I had no answers. Because there was a disconnect between the person I have become and the person I had aimed for.

I managed to gather my thoughts and took stock of my life for the past so many years. What I discovered about myself made me cry. I had completely lost all sense of who I was, what I wanted to be. And I definitely did not want to be where I am in my current state of mind and being.

Why and how did this happen?

That is because I allowed myself
Physically, mentally and emotionally, I just let go of myself.
I valued everything outside my being and forgot to value myself.

You see what I mean?

Top priority.  
Investing in you is and should be a priority.

The moment you put your needs and self on hold, it becomes a habit, a routine that gets firmly established so deep into you that you forget your existence.

Assuming you are in that phase of your life where you make a decision to share your life with another person. You are generous and giving and that makes you happy. Fine. So far so good, but what happens a few years down the line if you forget to stop being generous?

In my opinion, it will lead to a situation where you will be left with little or no room for your personal growth and you will turn into a shadow of your old self.  

Tell you what; you will be safe until your ignorance about self-development lasts.

The day it hits you, you will start seeking answers to where and at what point did you completely lose yourself.

The journey after that question is going to be the most difficult one to embark upon.

And that is the starting point of positive change in your life. Yes, that difficult and seemingly insurmountable journey is exactly what you need.

Let me warn you, that journey is going to overwhelm you, make you feel powerless and maybe even push you back and force you to stay put in your comfort zone.

Ignore it. Don’t fear it, just face it and take it on the chin.

One step at a time, one day at a time and you will be fine soon.

Understand that all is not lost. Dig deeper into self and find that lost connection and reconnect with your new and improved self.

The most important thing is to start being generous towards self. Followed by indulging in some self-love and care.

And do not forget to value yourself.

Ranga Rajah

Photo by sean Kong on Unsplash


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